Ben Shafer
Senate District 23
Kāneʻohe • Kahuku • Kaʻena • Kunia
Aloha Lōkahi Pono

Who is Ben?
Ben Shafer is a fourth generation Hawaiian from Kahana Valley. Raised on the Windward side of Oahu, Ben graduated from Castle High School and earned a Political Science degree from BYU Hawaii. He also served in the U.S. Air Force as a fire fighter. For the past 23+ years Ben has been a craftsman and member of the International Alliance Theatrical and Stage Employees, I.A.T.S.E Local 665. As a long-time community advocate, he was one of the leaders in the fight against Turtle Bay Resort expansion. Ben currently serves on the Oʻahu Island Burial Council.
Why is he running?
Ben believes integrity matters and that collaboration is the path to success. Ben’s compassion and respect for others help guide his work. Our large and diverse district needs an active leader who can effectively represent all our communities. Ben will serve as the pono Senator our district needs and deserves.

What does he care about?
The high cost of living makes it increasingly difficult to get by. Government needs more accountability and less waste. We must protect our quality of life, avoid over-development, protect our agricultural lands, increase local food production, maintain our roads, and give our schools and keiki the resources they need for success. Issues

Veteran United States Air Force
Worked at the Legislature
Kahana Advisory Board past co-chair
Friends of Kahana President
Defend Oʻahu Coalition co-chair
Community Advocate
Oahu Island Burial Council Boardmember